Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Blog #12 - Wikileaks

I'm posting the blog a little early this week because I want you to familiarize yourselves with the stories surrounding this issue on your own.  In other words, you will have to watch the news, listen to talk radio, read the newspaper, and search the Internet.  Once you have accepted the assignment, ponder the following questions as you formulate your responses.

  1. Who is legally responsible for the wikileaks?
  2. Is this a First Amendment issue?  Why or why not?  Explain your response.  (You may also want to incorporate the Pentagon Papers).
  3. Is there a case to be made that this violates the Espionage Act of 1917?

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Blog - November 26, 2010

Enjoy what is left of your Thanksgiving Break.  NO BLOG FOR THE WEEKEND.

Monday, November 22, 2010

A New Admissions Policy?

This is not a blog, but I saw this article and thought you might find it interesting considering you all are at that point in applying for college and getting your admission letters.


Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Blog #11 - Academic/Social Pressures

This blog will be a little different.  Last night while sitting around talking to several of my colleagues who are university professors we began to discuss the growing pressures placed on students by parents, community, and peers.  One of the members of the group actually has research interest in this area and she posed several questions to me regarding this issue.  I told her what I had witnessed from my students, but I also said I would pass along the questions to you guys and forward your responses to her.  So, from a very cold downtown Denver, CO (and not much snow yet) here are your questions.  Please discuss in general.  I'm not asking you to pour out your problems here, but just discuss in general.

  1. First, do you feel any pressures to perform academically?
  2. What pressures have been placed upon you to perform academically and by whom?
  3. How do you meet your academic goals?
  4. What affects have these pressures had upon you?
  5. Have the pressures led you to cheat and take shortcuts? (you don't have to provide specific details - discuss in general).

You may also add any additional comments you wish.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Blog #10 - Justices Debate Video Game Ban

This week in a sometimes testy hearing, the justices of the U.S. Supreme Court struggled to define how the First Amendment should apply to a new medium.  The medium - video games.  Read the article from the New York Times and weigh in with your opinion.  The justices ask several interesting and philosophical questions.  Address those questions and provide your own opinion as to whether or not you think the ban is a violation of First Amendment rights or a protection for American citizens.